My first Game and Game Jam

A week ago, I decided to join a Weekly Game Jam to jump start my game development experience.  I really like the theme "Play the Villain", that's why I'm very excited working on this project. As this is my first game jam, I decided to dedicate my whole week to this project.

I learned how to manage my time by prioritizing important contents & features  based on the short time frame. Overall I'm very happy with the outcome, but I won't be joining any GameJams for a while. I'm exhausted and very sleepy, gonna sleep now, and take a nice break. I'm gonna finish this game, I'm planning on working on this project for day/months to come until I'm satisfied with the contents and the result.

I want to create a game where people enjoys it and has a replayability factor. In short,  want to create like how I like playing my games.


This prototype version is submitted for Weekly Game Jam #62 with week's theme "Play The Villain". As the MainCharacter, you will have to do illegal activities to earn money.

This is my first game, and I want to finish this,  that's why I want to make this a small game as much as possible. Below are the current and planned contents:

[ PROTOTYPE - WEEKLYGAMEJAM VERSION ] Contents as of (1) week game development period.

  • 1 Love interest (CHF your Childhood Friend)
  • 1 Crime Activity (Taking Pictures and selling them for money)
  • 30 days play time


  •  3-4 additional love interests
  •  Crime: Fulfilling job requests from DarkWeb, like stealing personal and intimate stuffs of good looking students.
  • Interative Dialog system
  • BGM


BrocodeAcademy-protoype.rar 16 MB
Sep 20, 2018

Get Brocode Academy [Prototype]

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